Sunday, May 17, 2015

Friday's Classes, May 15.

K- 3 Met for the last time this school year.  I am so happy with the progress our K-3 children have  have made. they enjoy singing and learning vocabulary in Spanish.  It is a pleasure teaching them new concepts and skills.  I look forward to teaching them next year. Our lesson for today included a book in Spanish about sharing and a lesson in counting to twenty in Spanish.  I used bubbles to help the boys and girls focus on the topic.  They were very, very interested!

5th grade played several vocabulary games similar to Bingo.  We reviewed parts of the body, foods, classroom objects and school related terms.  Students received prizes for winning.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Monday's Classes, May 11

K-4 learned about the Aztec Culture.  They learned that the Aztecs lived in Mexico and built temples to their gods.   They received a page to color.  We reviewed all questions and responses in Spanish.  I love the way children help one another if they respond with their age to a question about how they feel!  It is so rewarding to teach all children a second language, especially very young language learners.

K-5 We are rehearsing a Spanish song for graduation.  There will be musical instruments from Latin America on stage!  I can't wait.  You will enjoy the performance.

1st grade  Students reviewed favorite foods and received the books they made in September to take home.

2nd Grade - Students received their books to take home.  Several students were chosen to be the teachers today.  They asked the other students questions in Spanish!  We have come a long way in a short time.

3rd Grade  We reviewed questions in Spanish.  Students  were chosen as teachers to ask the questions in Spanish today.  I am so proud of our third graders. Thank you for your support.

4th Grade- Students presented their projects to the class. Although an evaluation was not required, most of the students did prepare one.  Several students did not have their project.  I have spoken to their parents about completing it and presenting on Monday, May 18th.  We have a regular Spanish class on Monday.  It will be our last class of the year. Fourth graders did an excellent job on their projects. I am very proud of the students' work presented today in class.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Friday's Classes

Grade K-3 Students reviewed counting  I had a bottle of bubbles to blow and asked students to count them in Spanish.  This activity was a lot of fun, as you can imagine.Students also heard a story about a little mouse in Spanish.  The children understand so much already.  I am so happy with their progress.  We also learned a song to review the days of the week and months of the year.

Grade 5  Students presented their teaching projects.  They were amazing!  Although an evaluation was optional, nearly all of the students did one and distributed a copy to the class.  Two students were missing the assignment.  I will speak with Miss Stone about this since projects are a very important part of the student's  grade and the children are aware of that.

Grade 6  Today was bittersweet since it was our last class meeting.  I want to thank all of the parents for their support and cooperation this year.  The sixth grade class is an incredibly bright, motivated, caring group of young people.  I will miss them!
Students took a brief writing quiz.  We also learned a song in Spanish, La Bamba.  It is also a dance.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Monday, May 4th

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

K-4  K- 4 did an excellent job on their basic questions about themselves in Spanish. Students also heard a story in Spanish about the family values of love, the importance of doing their best in school, and having confidence in their abilities.

K-5  We are practicing our song for graduation.  Students also reviewed all basic questions about themselves and their world in Spanish.  I am very proud of our K-5 students and look forward to working with them next year.  It will be the students fourth year of the study of Spanish as a second language and I am confident they are on the road to becoming bilingual children.

1st Grade    We played a memory game involving a trip to the zoo and the market.  These games help student learn targeted vocabulary.  They are also a lot of fun!

2nd Grade   Students also played the memory game to polish their vocabulary skills in Spanish.  Targeted vocabulary included animals and foods and the past tense of the verbs to go and to buy.

3rd Grade  We reviewed responding to questions in Spanish. Our third graders are very interested in learning Spanish.  Some of them are asking for books in Spanish to read outside of our classroom.  I am going to try to establish a lending library for those students.  I had a book on the table  that I use as a desk. A student picked it up and exclaimed, " I can read this in Spanish and I know what everything means."  I was so happy.  We played the vocabulary memory game. Several students won prizes.

4th Grade;  Students took their test on the countries of South America. I am very proud of our fourth graders.  They consider learning Spanish very important.  Our study of South America meets the standard for knowledge of the culture of Spanish-speaking countries as determined by the Mississippi State Standards for the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Fourth graders have a final homework assignment  which is due next Monday.  They need to design and deliver a lesson in Spanish based on anything they have learned in class.  They will need a colorful poster or other visual to capture the interest of their students.  Students chose their topics already.  Some of them are: Colors, Animals, Foods, Incan Culture, and Numbers. They have a hand-out explaining in detail what they need to do.  The last part of the assignment  mentions a test or oral evaluation.  Students DO NOT have to do this part unless they desire to do so.  It was required of my 5th and 6th graders.  Some of the students in those classes actually prepared a real evaluation for each student in class!  It was so much fun to watch the "teachers" delivering the lesson and then observe their students taking the test they had prepared.  I did not expect students to actually take the test after the presentations!  It was a very special moment for me as their instructor to notice how motivated and dedicated the students are in Spanish class.  Making copies of the test for each student was entirely optional, but every student in the 6th grade did that part of the assignment.  Way to go, Sixth Graders!  Fourth graders may design an evaluation if they wish.  Please call me if you have any questions about the assignment.  It is the same assignment minus the evaluation section that the 5th and 6th graders completed.

Thank you for your interest and support in our program.

      Miss Linda