Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Parents,
         K-4, K-5 and 1st grade are making excellent progress in listening and speaking skills in Spanish.  I am pleased with their responses to basic questions and their ability to recite the days of the week, months of the year, numbers (to 50 for most students), and the seasons of the year. I am amazed that we have been able to accomplish so much in thirty minutes of instrutional  time once a week! 
Grade 2 worked very hard to prepare their family trees.  Due to the limited time we have left this school year, I will mount all of the photographs and drawings for the students and bring the mural to school on Monday.  I am not sure where it will be displayed, but am thinking about the cafeteria.  Once I know where the project will be displayed, I will post the location so parents can stop by to see their child's family tree.

Grade 3 worked on presenting a weather report.  the activity was used to reinforce weather terms in Spanish.  Their projects are due next Monday.  Miss Melissa has extra copies of the instructions.  Please ask her for a copy if students' copies were lost or misplaced.  I also showed students examples of what the book may look like using students' books which were  presented to me early.

Grades 4,5, and 6 also have a project due on Monday.  Miss Melissa has extra copies of the instructions if students need one. They are preparing an imaginary trip to a Spanish-speaking country.  Student have had three weeks to prepare the project and we have worked on it in class. Project may be presented using a poster, Power Point presentation, or oral presentation from prepared cards.  Please see Miss Melissa if you have not seen the instructions.  I distributed the sheets several times in class and posted detailed information on previous posts. 
This is an important project, our last of the school year.  I have stressed to the students that the project will be used in part to determine their final grade in Spanish. 

Thank you for your support and interest in our foreign language program. It has been my pleasure to teach your children this academic school year.
                                                                    Srta. Linda

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dear Parents,
             We had a very productive Monday!  K-4 and 5 are making excellent progress learning Spanish.  K-5 is working very hard to learn "De Colores."  They are great with the chorus, so far, as well as the parts about how the animals sing that are mentioned in the song.  I know you will enjoy listening to your child sing the song.
K-1 continues to respond well to questions in Spanish.  We reviewed days, months, and the four seasons.  Counting is a snap for this group, as well! 

K-2 did several pages in class.  I would like you to try to send those family photographs for our family tree project.  I do have some hand-drawn portraits the students made that we will use instead of photos for some of the students.  I would like to complete the project the week after Easter.

3rd Grade  received their project information.  The books are due May 5th.  Please look over the sheets with your child and let me know if you have any questions. Students will need to make a book in Spanish with illustrations.  Some children want to make the book a bilingual book, which is fine.  We reviewed days of the week, numbers to 100, seasons, and months.  I wil be going beyond 100 next week with the students.  Students also received study sheets, although we will not be taking any more tests on numbers this year. Knowing how to count and write numbers in Spanish is an important skill and I encourage students to practice the numbers over the summer.

4, 5, and 6 brought their research on the country they will be "visiting" for their final project.
Students shared their experiences working with their parents on the project.  They are becoming aware of planning for a trip, airports with direct flights to different countries, air fare, hotel and other related costs. I am very proud of all of the students. 
                We started some serious study of verb conjugations, as well. 

Thank you for your interest in our Spanish Language Program.  Please contact me if you have any questions about the projects due on the 5th of May. 
                                                           Srta. Linda

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Second Grade Parents:  Please send some family photos to school tomorrow with your child.  You can also leave them in my mailbox in the teachers' workroom.  Please make sure your child's name is on the photo. they may be scanned or actual photos.  We are doing a family tree project. 
Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 will receive more information about their final project which  is due May 5.  I may have written May 2nd in error on a blog or on the sheet I distributed to some students last week.  Your child may turn in the project early if he/she wishes.  Some have already asked me if they may do so.  The children must explain their work to the class.  4th, 5th and 6th must also have a written dialogue in Spanish to accompany their project.  The presentation about their trip may be made in English. Of course, I would love to hear some of the presesntation in Spanish if students can!  Only the dialogue, however, must be in Spanish.
It is hard to believe that this school year is almost over.  El tiempo vuela.  Time flies. (When you are having fun working hard).
                                                                      Srta. Linda

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear Parents,
                       Grade K-4 did a wonderful job on Monday with their songs and questions.  They are doing well with numbers as well.  Some students want to count to 50 in Spanish, so I am encouraging them to do so.  I am so happy with their progress.

K-5 will be really working hard on "De Colores,"  a tradtional Spanish folk song.  They learned a new song, "Leoncito," on Monday.
 Grade 3 will continue working on their final project, which is writing and illustrating a book about anything we learned these past two years in Spanish.  I will explain in more detail  on Monday.  I gave some students the numbers from one to 100 to study on their own.  If your child did not receive a nubmes sheet to study, it is because they have mastered the number words  in Spanish and no further study is needed.  We will not be taking any more tests on the numbers, but I would encourage students who received  the number sheets to study whenever they can.
 Grades 4, 5 and 6 have information about the final project which is to plan a trip to a Spanish-speaking country.  We will talk more about that on Monday.  Students have unti May 2 to do their report.  The sheet I distributed to students has specific details about the project.  Some students want to plan more than one trip.  It is not necessary, but I would never discourage a student who wishes to go above and beyond the assignment!  Two trips will be fine!  Only one is required, however.
  Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.  I will appreciate your interest in our Spanish Language Program.
                                                                 Srta. Linda

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dear Parents,
                           Grades K-4 and 5 and lst learned a new song with new vocabulary.  The song is about spring.  They are really making progress.  I can conduct part of the class entirely in Spanish .   I am very proud of them.  As you know, my approach to second language acquisition is to introduce vocabulary  and grammatical structures in a relaxed, "natural" atmosphere.  In many ways, it is the manner in which your children learned their first language at home.  The activity which  produces a product, such as the picture of a butterfly  garden the children completed, is NOT the main emphasis of the "lesson."  The language used to instruct the students in producing the picture and reinforcement of the target vocabulary  during the activity is the object of the particular class.

Grade 2 has a dialogue to practice at home about two students meeting at school.  I modified the dialogue for some students who said it was too difficult.  Those students need to practice  two lines of dialogue for their presentation.  The rest of the class needs to practice either Student 1 or Student 2's part.    They may read their part on Monday. Some students may want to memorize their part.  I would love that!  We read the entire dialogue four or five times in class. If your child needs help in reading their lines, please call me.  I would be more than happy to assist them. I also want second graders to gather photographs, draw portraits or find pictures in magazines that resemble their parents, grandparents, siblings and cousins for a family tree project.  I think we are going to do this activity in class in the form of a mural. Perhaps a Family Tree Garden!

Grade 3, 4 and 5 took a short quiz on numbers.  Grade 3 will be given information on their final project of the year next week. They have one month to complete the project. I do not want them to begin during our school-wide testing period! 

Grade 3's project is to write and illustrate a picture book in Spanish for children.  They may use any material they wish.  It should be a minimum of twelve pages.  Detailed information will be distributed to children next week. 

Grades 4, 5 and 6 have are responsible for preparing a project as well.  Their project is to plan a trip to a Spanish-speaking country.  Students were assigned a country in class and asked to begin gathering basic information they will bring to class next week.  The information they need is:  How will they travel to the country?  How much will transportation cost?  Where will they stay?  What tourist sites will they visit?  What will they eat once there?   All of that informtion can be in English.  Part of the project is to prepare a short dialogue in Spanish which takes place in a restaurant or open-air market.  It can also take the form of a dialogue with a Spanish-speaking student at a cafe asking questions about his/her school and leisure activities.  Students will receive all of this information in a hand-out next week.

I can't believe we are almost finished with this school year. Realmente, el tiempo vuela--Time flies!  Thank you for your continued cooperation and interest in our second language program.
                                                          Srta. Linda