Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

K-4  The children expressed food  preferences in Spanish.  They learned how to express corn or flour tortillas, meat or chicken tacos and other ingredients that make a taco so delicious!  It was so much fun listening to the children "ordering" their meal in Spanish.  

K- 5   The children also talked about the ingredients found in a taco in Spanish. We then practiced our song in Spanish which will be presented at the K-5 graduation. 

Grade 1  Children made a bilingual book called, "What's for supper?" in Spanish.  They will take the book home next week. 

Grade  2  Children made a book about transportation. They took the books home.  Please ask your child to share it with you.  

Grade 3  The class described the location of objects in the classroom using the prepositions they previously learned.  There is no homework. 

Grade 4 The class described the location of objects in the classroom in relation to other fixtures and furniture.  They received a homework assignment which  is due May 9.  The children should not begin this assignment during testing next week.  This is why I am giving them extra time to complete the project.  They may begin this week or next Thursday after all testing has been completed.  Each child received a detailed description of the assignment on a handout I prepared.  They need to create a book in Spanish using the skills they learned this year.  They may choose the topic of their book.  Some possible themes are:  classroom objects and their locations, clothing,  adjectives to describe their friends, their family members, weather, seasons of the year, holidays, such as Christmas, or their likes and dislikes.    The book should be at least ten pages, but it may be more than ten.  It should have illustrations, created by the students or cut from a magazine or printed on the computer.  Please call me if you have any questions.  Include a cover, book title, and  the author's name--the name of the student.  

                                               Have a great weekend. 

                                                          Mrs. Linda 

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