Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wednesday, October 28

Today students in grade 6 took a verb test.  This was a review of previously studied verbs.  Five students did very well.  Students will have an opportunity to retake the test in two weeks. Students presented their reports on Madrid.  Only students who had not completed last week's homework needed to prepare the report.  The rest of the class turned in their questions and answers about Madrid.  Students are reading quite well now in Spanish.  The multiple choice questions are an excellent way to ensure that students are understanding the information sheets I distribute about  each Spanish city.

Miss Lisa's Class had the opportunity to hear a presentation by a guest speaker.  Mrs. Mouannes shared her knowledge of Lebanese and French.  She wrote each child's name in Lebanese.  She also expressed the names of the days of the week and months of the year for us.  It was a wonderful experience for the class!  We have been learning about the many contributions of
Arabic culture to Spanish culture and language  as we study various cities in Spain.

Miss Tucker's  class reviewed parts of the body and clothing terms by decorating a pumpkin.  They presented the calabaza to Miss Stone. It was a fun activity in Spanish.  Children could be heard saying, "Calabaza needs el sombrero" and "las mano, las manos."  I loved it. They loved it.  Miss Stone seemed really pleased with the "calabaza."
                                         5th  and 6th Grade Homework 

Homework for Wednesday, November 4th, was distributed to each student.  Students need to prepare a notecard with a paragraph about ONE of the Spanish cities they had studied.  Then, they will copy the paragraph in class on Wednesday.  The paragraph needs to be in Spanish.  They have received zerox copies which  give all the information they may need for the exam. They also were given their reports and posters back to use in preparation of the report. Several 6th grade  students did not want to take their poster home to assist them with the assignment.  If you have any questions, please call me for clarification.  I have been making phone calls and sending notes home advising parents of missing assignments.  Your child will not receive an A or a B if they do not complete the homework assignments.  Outside projects are an important part of his or her grade.

                                                     Srta. Linda


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