Monday, October 5, 2015
I really wish parents could come and observe their child's Spanish class.
Students are making excellent progress! On Monday, my second graders were working on creating clothing books. I always encourage children to try to speak Spanish as much as they can during class. Students in the class were requesting crayons or glue in Spanish from one another. They were responding with appropriate expressions such as; "Gracias" or "De nada" after receiving the desired items. Speaking Spanish in this manner is part of The Natural Language Approach I use to teach a second language. If you would like more information about this approach, please Google Dr. Stephen Krashen, who designed the method in the 1970's.
K-4 learned a new song about a "calabaza," a pumpkin. We reviewed numbers to twenty in Spanish, months of the year, basic greetings, and simple questions and answers. Children also reviewed weather expressions They heard a story about nocturnal animals in Spanish. There are so many cognates in Spanish which help students learn new academic vocabulary in English as well. Two of the words introduced today were: "Nocturno" and "enorme." I used their English equivalents to introduce or reinforce the meaning in English to the children. Teaching language is so much fun!
K-5 also learned a new song, reviewed months, days, seasons, numbers and weather terms, and listened to the story about nocturnal animals. Each child received a paper plate with a smiling jack' o lantern to practice their new song at home.
Grade 1 Children received a dialogue in Spanish about clothing and the fall season. Several children received a copy of the dialogue to take home.
Grade 2 Students also received a copy of a new dialogue about clothing and the fall season. I would like them to practice reading it at home. In class, they worked with a partner, but they may study both parts or only the one they will present in two weeks in class with their partner.
Grade 3 Students received their days of the week test. We reviewed the alphabet, telling the date in Spanish, months of the year, and basic questions. Students also read the dialogue about clothing and the seasons.
Grade 4 Students reviewed clothing, colors, and seasons. I have several new students who may be joining the class so I prepared a dialogue which would be more on an introductory level in order to include the new students. The remainder of the class needs to study both the new dialogue and the Frankenpiedra--Frankenstein dialogue from last week. They will present both dialogues in two weeks since there is no class on October 12th. We discussed some of the terms about maps and globes as well Christopher Columbus. Cristobal Colon.
Happy Autumn!
📚 Miss Linda
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