Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Monday, October 26

Today was Costume Day!  K4 learned the names of their costumes in Spanish.  We also played Quien tiene?  Who Has It?  I distributed pcitures of classroom objects and the children needed to respond by saying, Yo tengo el ( name of object they held).  We sang our pumpkin song and reviewed weather terms.  It was a good day to do so!  I can conduct the class almost entirely in Spanish!  Children learn so quickly at a young age. 

K5 did not come to class.  They had their Halloween parties at 2. 

Grade 1   Children pasted their clothing pictures on sheets of paper which will be used for a class clothing book.  We reviewed colors and adjectives  by making a tree and putting different colored leaves on the branches.  This lesson was conducted entirely in Spanish.  Each child had to tell about their tree's different leaves in complete sentences.  WE will continue with our clothing vocabulary next week.  There is no homework. 

Grade 2 Students also made trees and described the trees in complete sentences in Spanish. Students did an excellent job with this lesson.  We learned the names of various costumes children were wearing in Spanish.  

Grade 3 Students presented their dialogues.  Homework for next week is to write a shopping list of at least ten to fifteen items from the list I distributed to them.  

Grade 4 presented their dialogues with word substitutions.  NEW homework is to create/write a dialogue about two people talking about what they are going to buy at the market.   Students copied down the beginning conversations.  They are:  Yo voy a comprar (then the student will list three or four items in Spanish from their list. )  Next person in the dialogue will start with Yo voy a comprar ( Then he/she will list three or four items from the list).  Students need to continue the dialogue with about four or five lines of dialogue using the same language structure:  Yo voy a comprar..... Yo voy a comprar means I am going to buy.  Some students wanted to name non-food items, which  is OK. Students received DUPLICATE copies of food vocabulary so there is no need to look up translations on the internet unless they wish to do so.  This assignemnt is HOMEWORK.  It is due on Monday, November 2. 

                                         Please contact me if you have any questions. 

                                                          Srta. Linda 

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