Wednesday, October 21.
Grades 5 and 6 presented their projects on Granada, Spain. there were several sixth graders who did not do the project. Several of those students are now missing two or more assignments which they have chosen to not make up I gave all students the opportunity to make up missed assignments before the Oct. 15 report cards were distributed. Most students took advantage of this opportunity to improve their grade. I will be notifying parents of the missed assignments. Students who do not choose to make up assignments will receive a grade which reflects the missing assignments. Therefore, your child may receive a grade lower than an A or B in January. I will send the note home with your child on Wednesday, October 28, Please sign it and return it to me so that I know you are aware of the missing homework. I will indicate the deadline date to submit missing assignments on the note your child receives. I am happy to report that 80% of the sixth grade class and 100% of both fifth grade classes successfully completed the Spanish Culture Project which was their homework.
Several students received certificates today for outstanding achievement in Spanish during the first nine weeks. I am hoping your child will share that recognition certificate with you.
Grade 5- Miss Graham's class: Students need to prepare a report or a poster about Madrid, Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain They received an information sheet today in class. The report is due on October 28.
5th Grade- Miss Tucker's class: There is NO homework for Miss Tucker's class. The report on Madrid is OPTIONAL for Miss Tucker's class. Please call me if you have any questions about this.
Grade 6: Grade 6 needs to study for a verb test on estar, ser and tener. They all have study sheets already handed out to them. I also left an extra set of study sheets for them in case the sheet has been lost or misplaced. This is a RETEST. None of the verbs are new
Grade 6 : Students who did not complete the report on Granada have the opportunity to prepare that report AND a report on Madrid. Both reports may be a paragraph in length although most students go above and beyond the assignment. The reports are due on October 28th. I will be distributing the parent notifications tomorrow so you will know if your child needs to make up missed assignments.
Students have informational sheets they can use for these reports, as well as the internet. I would like them to use as much Spanish as they can, but will accept information in English as well.
6th Graders who do not receive a special letter for their parents have a list of eight questions to answer. They are multiple choice and we completed half of them in class. They are exempt from the report on Madrid.
Thank you for your interest in our foreign language program.
Miss Linda
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