Wednesday, October 28
Today students in grade 6 took a verb test. This was a review of previously studied verbs. Five students did very well. Students will have an opportunity to retake the test in two weeks. Students presented their reports on Madrid. Only students who had not completed last week's homework needed to prepare the report. The rest of the class turned in their questions and answers about Madrid. Students are reading quite well now in Spanish. The multiple choice questions are an excellent way to ensure that students are understanding the information sheets I distribute about each Spanish city.
Miss Lisa's Class had the opportunity to hear a presentation by a guest speaker. Mrs. Mouannes shared her knowledge of Lebanese and French. She wrote each child's name in Lebanese. She also expressed the names of the days of the week and months of the year for us. It was a wonderful experience for the class! We have been learning about the many contributions of
Arabic culture to Spanish culture and language as we study various cities in Spain.
Miss Tucker's class reviewed parts of the body and clothing terms by decorating a pumpkin. They presented the calabaza to Miss Stone. It was a fun activity in Spanish. Children could be heard saying, "Calabaza needs el sombrero" and "las mano, las manos." I loved it. They loved it. Miss Stone seemed really pleased with the "calabaza."
5th and 6th Grade Homework
Homework for Wednesday, November 4th, was distributed to each student. Students need to prepare a notecard with a paragraph about ONE of the Spanish cities they had studied. Then, they will copy the paragraph in class on Wednesday. The paragraph needs to be in Spanish. They have received zerox copies which give all the information they may need for the exam. They also were given their reports and posters back to use in preparation of the report. Several 6th grade students did not want to take their poster home to assist them with the assignment. If you have any questions, please call me for clarification. I have been making phone calls and sending notes home advising parents of missing assignments. Your child will not receive an A or a B if they do not complete the homework assignments. Outside projects are an important part of his or her grade.
Srta. Linda
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Monday, October 26
Today was Costume Day! K4 learned the names of their costumes in Spanish. We also played Quien tiene? Who Has It? I distributed pcitures of classroom objects and the children needed to respond by saying, Yo tengo el ( name of object they held). We sang our pumpkin song and reviewed weather terms. It was a good day to do so! I can conduct the class almost entirely in Spanish! Children learn so quickly at a young age.
K5 did not come to class. They had their Halloween parties at 2.
Grade 1 Children pasted their clothing pictures on sheets of paper which will be used for a class clothing book. We reviewed colors and adjectives by making a tree and putting different colored leaves on the branches. This lesson was conducted entirely in Spanish. Each child had to tell about their tree's different leaves in complete sentences. WE will continue with our clothing vocabulary next week. There is no homework.
Grade 2 Students also made trees and described the trees in complete sentences in Spanish. Students did an excellent job with this lesson. We learned the names of various costumes children were wearing in Spanish.
Grade 3 Students presented their dialogues. Homework for next week is to write a shopping list of at least ten to fifteen items from the list I distributed to them.
Grade 4 presented their dialogues with word substitutions. NEW homework is to create/write a dialogue about two people talking about what they are going to buy at the market. Students copied down the beginning conversations. They are: Yo voy a comprar (then the student will list three or four items in Spanish from their list. ) Next person in the dialogue will start with Yo voy a comprar ( Then he/she will list three or four items from the list). Students need to continue the dialogue with about four or five lines of dialogue using the same language structure: Yo voy a comprar..... Yo voy a comprar means I am going to buy. Some students wanted to name non-food items, which is OK. Students received DUPLICATE copies of food vocabulary so there is no need to look up translations on the internet unless they wish to do so. This assignemnt is HOMEWORK. It is due on Monday, November 2.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Srta. Linda
Today was Costume Day! K4 learned the names of their costumes in Spanish. We also played Quien tiene? Who Has It? I distributed pcitures of classroom objects and the children needed to respond by saying, Yo tengo el ( name of object they held). We sang our pumpkin song and reviewed weather terms. It was a good day to do so! I can conduct the class almost entirely in Spanish! Children learn so quickly at a young age.
K5 did not come to class. They had their Halloween parties at 2.
Grade 1 Children pasted their clothing pictures on sheets of paper which will be used for a class clothing book. We reviewed colors and adjectives by making a tree and putting different colored leaves on the branches. This lesson was conducted entirely in Spanish. Each child had to tell about their tree's different leaves in complete sentences. WE will continue with our clothing vocabulary next week. There is no homework.
Grade 2 Students also made trees and described the trees in complete sentences in Spanish. Students did an excellent job with this lesson. We learned the names of various costumes children were wearing in Spanish.
Grade 3 Students presented their dialogues. Homework for next week is to write a shopping list of at least ten to fifteen items from the list I distributed to them.
Grade 4 presented their dialogues with word substitutions. NEW homework is to create/write a dialogue about two people talking about what they are going to buy at the market. Students copied down the beginning conversations. They are: Yo voy a comprar (then the student will list three or four items in Spanish from their list. ) Next person in the dialogue will start with Yo voy a comprar ( Then he/she will list three or four items from the list). Students need to continue the dialogue with about four or five lines of dialogue using the same language structure: Yo voy a comprar..... Yo voy a comprar means I am going to buy. Some students wanted to name non-food items, which is OK. Students received DUPLICATE copies of food vocabulary so there is no need to look up translations on the internet unless they wish to do so. This assignemnt is HOMEWORK. It is due on Monday, November 2.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Srta. Linda
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Wednesday, October 21.
Grades 5 and 6 presented their projects on Granada, Spain. there were several sixth graders who did not do the project. Several of those students are now missing two or more assignments which they have chosen to not make up I gave all students the opportunity to make up missed assignments before the Oct. 15 report cards were distributed. Most students took advantage of this opportunity to improve their grade. I will be notifying parents of the missed assignments. Students who do not choose to make up assignments will receive a grade which reflects the missing assignments. Therefore, your child may receive a grade lower than an A or B in January. I will send the note home with your child on Wednesday, October 28, Please sign it and return it to me so that I know you are aware of the missing homework. I will indicate the deadline date to submit missing assignments on the note your child receives. I am happy to report that 80% of the sixth grade class and 100% of both fifth grade classes successfully completed the Spanish Culture Project which was their homework.
Several students received certificates today for outstanding achievement in Spanish during the first nine weeks. I am hoping your child will share that recognition certificate with you.
Grade 5- Miss Graham's class: Students need to prepare a report or a poster about Madrid, Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain They received an information sheet today in class. The report is due on October 28.
5th Grade- Miss Tucker's class: There is NO homework for Miss Tucker's class. The report on Madrid is OPTIONAL for Miss Tucker's class. Please call me if you have any questions about this.
Grade 6: Grade 6 needs to study for a verb test on estar, ser and tener. They all have study sheets already handed out to them. I also left an extra set of study sheets for them in case the sheet has been lost or misplaced. This is a RETEST. None of the verbs are new
Grade 6 : Students who did not complete the report on Granada have the opportunity to prepare that report AND a report on Madrid. Both reports may be a paragraph in length although most students go above and beyond the assignment. The reports are due on October 28th. I will be distributing the parent notifications tomorrow so you will know if your child needs to make up missed assignments.
Students have informational sheets they can use for these reports, as well as the internet. I would like them to use as much Spanish as they can, but will accept information in English as well.
6th Graders who do not receive a special letter for their parents have a list of eight questions to answer. They are multiple choice and we completed half of them in class. They are exempt from the report on Madrid.
Thank you for your interest in our foreign language program.
Miss Linda
Grades 5 and 6 presented their projects on Granada, Spain. there were several sixth graders who did not do the project. Several of those students are now missing two or more assignments which they have chosen to not make up I gave all students the opportunity to make up missed assignments before the Oct. 15 report cards were distributed. Most students took advantage of this opportunity to improve their grade. I will be notifying parents of the missed assignments. Students who do not choose to make up assignments will receive a grade which reflects the missing assignments. Therefore, your child may receive a grade lower than an A or B in January. I will send the note home with your child on Wednesday, October 28, Please sign it and return it to me so that I know you are aware of the missing homework. I will indicate the deadline date to submit missing assignments on the note your child receives. I am happy to report that 80% of the sixth grade class and 100% of both fifth grade classes successfully completed the Spanish Culture Project which was their homework.
Several students received certificates today for outstanding achievement in Spanish during the first nine weeks. I am hoping your child will share that recognition certificate with you.
Grade 5- Miss Graham's class: Students need to prepare a report or a poster about Madrid, Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain They received an information sheet today in class. The report is due on October 28.
5th Grade- Miss Tucker's class: There is NO homework for Miss Tucker's class. The report on Madrid is OPTIONAL for Miss Tucker's class. Please call me if you have any questions about this.
Grade 6: Grade 6 needs to study for a verb test on estar, ser and tener. They all have study sheets already handed out to them. I also left an extra set of study sheets for them in case the sheet has been lost or misplaced. This is a RETEST. None of the verbs are new
Grade 6 : Students who did not complete the report on Granada have the opportunity to prepare that report AND a report on Madrid. Both reports may be a paragraph in length although most students go above and beyond the assignment. The reports are due on October 28th. I will be distributing the parent notifications tomorrow so you will know if your child needs to make up missed assignments.
Students have informational sheets they can use for these reports, as well as the internet. I would like them to use as much Spanish as they can, but will accept information in English as well.
6th Graders who do not receive a special letter for their parents have a list of eight questions to answer. They are multiple choice and we completed half of them in class. They are exempt from the report on Madrid.
Thank you for your interest in our foreign language program.
Miss Linda
Monday's Classes
Grades K4 and 5 continued learning vocabulary in Spanish as they listened to a story about colors based on Mexican traditions and customs. I mentioned The Day of the Dead which is very important to Mexican families. The story I read mentioned some of the special candies and food the children eat on November 1st. The special day has nothing to do with Halloween traditions practiced in this country
Grade 1 We continued learning terms in Spanish for clothing. Each child named the picture of clothing they were given. They also began telling what they were wearing. Next week we will make clothing books. Please prepare with your child 5 or 10 pictures of clothing cut from a magazine or hand-drawn and colored. The clothing pictures should not be too large so we can paste them easily in books. We also reviewed basic questions and answers. There are about twenty basic questions we have been studying. I will send home a list of the questions for you to have.
Grade 2 Children also practiced naming articles of clothing and told what they were wearing. The made sentences based on the clothing books they made last week in class. Thank you for sending the pictures of clothing to school with your child.
Grade 3 Children received a new dialogue about ordering food in a restaurant. I would like the children to practice the dialogue at home. If you need a copy, please let me know and I can put some extra copies in your child's teacher's mailbox. All children received a copy. Some of the children want to do the activity assigned to the 4th graders. The 4th graders have to change the names of the food to create a new dialogue or dialogues. Children may do that activity, but it was NOT assigned to the third graders. I would like to discuss this with parents. Some children want to go above and beyond the assignment, and I encourage them to do so. It allows the students extra practice in Spanish. So, if your third grader wants to create a new dialogue, I will let him or her present it in class next week. Other children need only to practice the prepared dialogue they received in class today entitled, " En el restoran."
Grade 4 Students received a dialogue and presented it in class. Their homework is to change the food terms to other words thereby creating a NEW dialogue. They may create as many as they wish. They may simply put a line through the original food term and add another or copy the entire dialogue and add new food requests. Some students wanted to change the beverages as well so I prepared a list of fruits to use in describing different kinds of juices. Jugo de naranja- orange juice, jugo de fresa- strawberry juice, etc. New dialogue is due Monday, October 26.
Thank you,
Miss Linda
Srta. Linda
Grades K4 and 5 continued learning vocabulary in Spanish as they listened to a story about colors based on Mexican traditions and customs. I mentioned The Day of the Dead which is very important to Mexican families. The story I read mentioned some of the special candies and food the children eat on November 1st. The special day has nothing to do with Halloween traditions practiced in this country
Grade 1 We continued learning terms in Spanish for clothing. Each child named the picture of clothing they were given. They also began telling what they were wearing. Next week we will make clothing books. Please prepare with your child 5 or 10 pictures of clothing cut from a magazine or hand-drawn and colored. The clothing pictures should not be too large so we can paste them easily in books. We also reviewed basic questions and answers. There are about twenty basic questions we have been studying. I will send home a list of the questions for you to have.
Grade 2 Children also practiced naming articles of clothing and told what they were wearing. The made sentences based on the clothing books they made last week in class. Thank you for sending the pictures of clothing to school with your child.
Grade 3 Children received a new dialogue about ordering food in a restaurant. I would like the children to practice the dialogue at home. If you need a copy, please let me know and I can put some extra copies in your child's teacher's mailbox. All children received a copy. Some of the children want to do the activity assigned to the 4th graders. The 4th graders have to change the names of the food to create a new dialogue or dialogues. Children may do that activity, but it was NOT assigned to the third graders. I would like to discuss this with parents. Some children want to go above and beyond the assignment, and I encourage them to do so. It allows the students extra practice in Spanish. So, if your third grader wants to create a new dialogue, I will let him or her present it in class next week. Other children need only to practice the prepared dialogue they received in class today entitled, " En el restoran."
Grade 4 Students received a dialogue and presented it in class. Their homework is to change the food terms to other words thereby creating a NEW dialogue. They may create as many as they wish. They may simply put a line through the original food term and add another or copy the entire dialogue and add new food requests. Some students wanted to change the beverages as well so I prepared a list of fruits to use in describing different kinds of juices. Jugo de naranja- orange juice, jugo de fresa- strawberry juice, etc. New dialogue is due Monday, October 26.
Thank you,
Miss Linda
Srta. Linda
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wednesday, October 7
Grades 5 and 6 presented their reports on Cordoba. I especially liked the electronic presentations. I encourage students to use technology for their reports in the future, if possible. Sixth graders present entirely in Spanish. I am very proud of them! Homework is due on October 21, two weeks from today. It will be a report on the beautiful city of Granada, Spain. Students received information in Spanish today in class. Fifth graders may present in English or Spanish or in both languages, as many students already do. Sixth graders may present in Spanish or both languages. Most sixth graders present entirely in Spanish. There is a wealth of information online in both languages about Granada. Please make sure your child researches Granada, SPAIN. There are cities in Latin America named after Spanish cities. We are currently studying the culture of The Iberian Peninsula.
Students also have a funny dialogue to study. They also have two weeks to prepare the dialogue. We will present the dialogue just in time for Halloween on October 21st.
Grades 5 and 6 presented their reports on Cordoba. I especially liked the electronic presentations. I encourage students to use technology for their reports in the future, if possible. Sixth graders present entirely in Spanish. I am very proud of them! Homework is due on October 21, two weeks from today. It will be a report on the beautiful city of Granada, Spain. Students received information in Spanish today in class. Fifth graders may present in English or Spanish or in both languages, as many students already do. Sixth graders may present in Spanish or both languages. Most sixth graders present entirely in Spanish. There is a wealth of information online in both languages about Granada. Please make sure your child researches Granada, SPAIN. There are cities in Latin America named after Spanish cities. We are currently studying the culture of The Iberian Peninsula.
Students also have a funny dialogue to study. They also have two weeks to prepare the dialogue. We will present the dialogue just in time for Halloween on October 21st.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
I really wish parents could come and observe their child's Spanish class.
Students are making excellent progress! On Monday, my second graders were working on creating clothing books. I always encourage children to try to speak Spanish as much as they can during class. Students in the class were requesting crayons or glue in Spanish from one another. They were responding with appropriate expressions such as; "Gracias" or "De nada" after receiving the desired items. Speaking Spanish in this manner is part of The Natural Language Approach I use to teach a second language. If you would like more information about this approach, please Google Dr. Stephen Krashen, who designed the method in the 1970's.
K-4 learned a new song about a "calabaza," a pumpkin. We reviewed numbers to twenty in Spanish, months of the year, basic greetings, and simple questions and answers. Children also reviewed weather expressions They heard a story about nocturnal animals in Spanish. There are so many cognates in Spanish which help students learn new academic vocabulary in English as well. Two of the words introduced today were: "Nocturno" and "enorme." I used their English equivalents to introduce or reinforce the meaning in English to the children. Teaching language is so much fun!
K-5 also learned a new song, reviewed months, days, seasons, numbers and weather terms, and listened to the story about nocturnal animals. Each child received a paper plate with a smiling jack' o lantern to practice their new song at home.
Grade 1 Children received a dialogue in Spanish about clothing and the fall season. Several children received a copy of the dialogue to take home.
Grade 2 Students also received a copy of a new dialogue about clothing and the fall season. I would like them to practice reading it at home. In class, they worked with a partner, but they may study both parts or only the one they will present in two weeks in class with their partner.
Grade 3 Students received their days of the week test. We reviewed the alphabet, telling the date in Spanish, months of the year, and basic questions. Students also read the dialogue about clothing and the seasons.
Grade 4 Students reviewed clothing, colors, and seasons. I have several new students who may be joining the class so I prepared a dialogue which would be more on an introductory level in order to include the new students. The remainder of the class needs to study both the new dialogue and the Frankenpiedra--Frankenstein dialogue from last week. They will present both dialogues in two weeks since there is no class on October 12th. We discussed some of the terms about maps and globes as well Christopher Columbus. Cristobal Colon.
Happy Autumn!
📚 Miss Linda
I really wish parents could come and observe their child's Spanish class.
Students are making excellent progress! On Monday, my second graders were working on creating clothing books. I always encourage children to try to speak Spanish as much as they can during class. Students in the class were requesting crayons or glue in Spanish from one another. They were responding with appropriate expressions such as; "Gracias" or "De nada" after receiving the desired items. Speaking Spanish in this manner is part of The Natural Language Approach I use to teach a second language. If you would like more information about this approach, please Google Dr. Stephen Krashen, who designed the method in the 1970's.
K-4 learned a new song about a "calabaza," a pumpkin. We reviewed numbers to twenty in Spanish, months of the year, basic greetings, and simple questions and answers. Children also reviewed weather expressions They heard a story about nocturnal animals in Spanish. There are so many cognates in Spanish which help students learn new academic vocabulary in English as well. Two of the words introduced today were: "Nocturno" and "enorme." I used their English equivalents to introduce or reinforce the meaning in English to the children. Teaching language is so much fun!
K-5 also learned a new song, reviewed months, days, seasons, numbers and weather terms, and listened to the story about nocturnal animals. Each child received a paper plate with a smiling jack' o lantern to practice their new song at home.
Grade 1 Children received a dialogue in Spanish about clothing and the fall season. Several children received a copy of the dialogue to take home.
Grade 2 Students also received a copy of a new dialogue about clothing and the fall season. I would like them to practice reading it at home. In class, they worked with a partner, but they may study both parts or only the one they will present in two weeks in class with their partner.
Grade 3 Students received their days of the week test. We reviewed the alphabet, telling the date in Spanish, months of the year, and basic questions. Students also read the dialogue about clothing and the seasons.
Grade 4 Students reviewed clothing, colors, and seasons. I have several new students who may be joining the class so I prepared a dialogue which would be more on an introductory level in order to include the new students. The remainder of the class needs to study both the new dialogue and the Frankenpiedra--Frankenstein dialogue from last week. They will present both dialogues in two weeks since there is no class on October 12th. We discussed some of the terms about maps and globes as well Christopher Columbus. Cristobal Colon.
Happy Autumn!
📚 Miss Linda
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Grades 5 and 6 discussed their homework sentences with the verb, poder. We read a funny dialogue in Spanish about a monster. Next week we will present the dialogue so I would like the students to continue reading it. They do not have to memorize any lines from the dialogue. Next week, their short report on Cordoba is due. Some children already have completed the report, but it is not due until October 7th. There was an error in last week's blog concerning the date.
Note: If your child is absent on Mondays, please contact me if you do not understand the information given in this blog or need more detailed information. You child can also ask his/her classmates about Spanish homework. The completion of homework is an important part of your child's grade in this class.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Linda
Note: If your child is absent on Mondays, please contact me if you do not understand the information given in this blog or need more detailed information. You child can also ask his/her classmates about Spanish homework. The completion of homework is an important part of your child's grade in this class.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Linda
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