Tuesday, March 31, 2015

On Monday, March 30th, Grade K-4 reviewed responses to basic questions in Spanish.  Students sang songs to reinforce new and previously  learned vocabulary. They learned a lullaby in Spanish today as well.

Grade 1 chose pictures from magazines to illustrate the books they are making in class about themselves.  They also learned the names of classroom objects while they worked on their projects.

Grade 2 Students added words to their vocabulary sheets.  These sheets contain about fifty basic vocabulary words and useful expressions in Spanish.  There is no homework, but I encouraged the students to refer to their list whenever they can to learn the meaning of the terms.  The words are classified according to units such as; days of the week, months of the year, classroom objects, family members, etc.  We have discussed about twenty five words from the list.  Of course, the students know much more than the terms listed!

Grade 3 finished their autobiographical paragraphs.  Some of the children wanted to take home the worksheet, which includes a paragraph we did not discuss in class.  I allowed them to do so, but completing the second paragraph   is not mandatory.  I do not discourage students who wish to go above and beyond what we complete in class.  There is NO homework assigned for third grade during the Easter holiday vacation.  Completing the second paragraph is excellent practice, but it is not an assignment.

Grade 4 continued their study of verb conjugations.  We completed a worksheet in class and students really seem to grasp the concept very well.  Students now have a chart or a model of conjugated regular "ar" verbs to which they may refer.  One student told me after class that she preferred the method I used today over the chart they received last week. I am constantly looking for different approaches to use in order to make sure students are learning the concepts taught.  I love the feedback I receive from students!  "Miss Linda, I like what we did today and get it now."  The comment made my day.  Students may complete the worksheet at home, but we will continue to work on it in two weeks.  There is NO homework assigned.

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