On Friday, March 27th, K-3 classes continued learning how to respond to basic questions about themselves in Spanish. We are also working on counting in Spanish. Children sang Asi me lavo las manos with new parts of the body. They love to sing! I really hope all of the students will continue with our program at St. John's next year. I look forward to building on the solid base they have in a second language next year.
Grades 5 and 6 took several quizzes on Friday. We are working on verb conjugations at this level. Grade 6 has a project due on April 10th. I am sure it will not take more than two or three hours to prepare. They can begin working on it this week or next week so that they can enjoy the Easter holiday with their families. This is for 6th GRADE ONLY.
Project: Students will prepare a Spanish language lesson( about five minutes ) to teach to the class. They have already chosen their topics. The focus of the lesson may be anything we have learned this year or last year. For example, the names of animals in Spanish, days of the week, verb conjugations, how to write an autobiographical paragraph, months of the year, weather, time, holidays, clothing, rooms in a house, gardening terms, foods, etc.
Students need a colorful visual such as a poster or realia, objects that will help capture their audience. For example, if a student is teaching food, he or she may bring plastic foods or pictures from magazines of different foods. A weather report might be accompanied by a map showing different temperatures across the nation.
They should try or give as much information in Spanish, but may also use English when necessary.
Students should have a short evaluation or quiz after the presentation to pass out to students in written form or a short oral exam to check to see how much their class learned. This can take the form or a ten question translation or matching activity. They only need to prepare ONE copy of the quiz unless they have access to a copy machine or scanner. They only need eleven copies or the quiz so I am thinking copies for all students is possible. Again, it is NOT necessary to bring eleven copies. I only need to see that an evaluation was made. Please call me if you have any questions.
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