Tuesday, March 31, 2015

On Monday, March 30th, Grade K-4 reviewed responses to basic questions in Spanish.  Students sang songs to reinforce new and previously  learned vocabulary. They learned a lullaby in Spanish today as well.

Grade 1 chose pictures from magazines to illustrate the books they are making in class about themselves.  They also learned the names of classroom objects while they worked on their projects.

Grade 2 Students added words to their vocabulary sheets.  These sheets contain about fifty basic vocabulary words and useful expressions in Spanish.  There is no homework, but I encouraged the students to refer to their list whenever they can to learn the meaning of the terms.  The words are classified according to units such as; days of the week, months of the year, classroom objects, family members, etc.  We have discussed about twenty five words from the list.  Of course, the students know much more than the terms listed!

Grade 3 finished their autobiographical paragraphs.  Some of the children wanted to take home the worksheet, which includes a paragraph we did not discuss in class.  I allowed them to do so, but completing the second paragraph   is not mandatory.  I do not discourage students who wish to go above and beyond what we complete in class.  There is NO homework assigned for third grade during the Easter holiday vacation.  Completing the second paragraph is excellent practice, but it is not an assignment.

Grade 4 continued their study of verb conjugations.  We completed a worksheet in class and students really seem to grasp the concept very well.  Students now have a chart or a model of conjugated regular "ar" verbs to which they may refer.  One student told me after class that she preferred the method I used today over the chart they received last week. I am constantly looking for different approaches to use in order to make sure students are learning the concepts taught.  I love the feedback I receive from students!  "Miss Linda, I like what we did today and get it now."  The comment made my day.  Students may complete the worksheet at home, but we will continue to work on it in two weeks.  There is NO homework assigned.
On Friday, March 27th, K-3 classes continued learning how to respond to basic questions about themselves in Spanish.  We are also working on counting in Spanish.  Children sang Asi me lavo las manos with new parts of the body. They love to sing!  I really hope all of the students will continue with our program at St. John's next year.  I look forward to building on the solid base they have in a second language next year.

Grades 5 and 6 took several quizzes on Friday.  We are working on verb conjugations at this level. Grade 6 has a project due on April 10th.  I am sure it will not take more than two or three hours to prepare.  They can begin working on it this week or next week so that they can enjoy the Easter holiday with their families. This is for 6th GRADE ONLY.

Project:  Students will prepare a Spanish language lesson( about five minutes ) to teach to the class.  They have already chosen their topics.  The focus of the lesson may be anything we have learned this year or last year. For example, the names of animals in Spanish, days of the week, verb conjugations, how to write an autobiographical paragraph, months of the year, weather, time, holidays, clothing, rooms in a house, gardening terms, foods, etc.

Students need a colorful visual such as a poster or realia, objects that will help capture their audience. For example, if a student is teaching food, he or she may bring plastic foods or pictures from magazines of different foods.  A weather report might be accompanied by a map showing different temperatures across the nation.

They should try or give as much information in Spanish, but may also use English when necessary.

Students should have a short evaluation or quiz after the presentation to pass out to students in written form or a short oral exam to check to see how much their class learned.   This can take the form or a ten question translation or matching activity.  They only need to prepare ONE copy of the quiz unless they have access to a copy machine or scanner.  They only need eleven copies or the quiz so I am thinking copies for all students is possible.  Again, it is NOT necessary to bring eleven copies.  I only need to see that an evaluation  was made. Please call me if you have any questions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

5th and 6th Graders are working on verb conjugations in Spanish.  5th grade will have a quiz on Ser, Estar, and Tener on Friday.  They have a worksheet to study.

6th grade will have a quiz on ar verbs in Spanish  They have a worksheet to study. I want to share with you how proud I am of fourth, fifth, and sixth graders and their creations of autobiographies in Spanish.  I returned the compositions to the students so they could share them with you.  Please ask your child  to read the compostion to you and  translate their work if you do not understand Spanish.  They do an excellent job translating. Miss Stone asked fifth  and sixth  graders to share their quotes with her so she can share with others.  We will do that in English so everyone understands which quotes reflect the values that are important to each student.
Monday, March 23.
 K-4 classes reviewed all of the questions they know how to answer in Spanish.  They also completed a new worksheet about their favorite foods.  Each student had to tell me in Spanish what food he/she liked to eat.  I love working with K-4;  They are so receptive to new concepts.

K-5  We worked on our song for graduation  and  also learned several  new songs.  I read a story to the students in Spanish about a raccoon that was afraid of going to school, but realized his Mama was only a kiss away from him.

1st Grade  We are working on a book in class.  Most students completed all of the pages.  I will  type their responses and return to students next Monday so they can make their cover.

2nd Grade  We worked on medical terms and learning how to express different ailments in Spanish.  Students did an excellent job with their worksheets.

3rd Grade  Students completed the beginning of an autobiography in Spanish.  We will finish the assignment next week.

4th Grade  We worked on medical terms.  Students were asked to write a sentence using each new vocabulary word in Spanish, for example,  Tengo un dolor de estomago, Tengo un dolor de cabeza.  I have a stomachache,  I have a headache.  This is a homework assignment.  Student who were absent received the worksheets in their homework packet. There were about ten students absent on Monday.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 16  Spanish Classes on Monday.

K-4 We are moving at a rapid pace in our study of Spanish!  Today all students prepared responses for five questions about themselves. Everyone did a very good job! The children received a birthday cake to color with their age and the sentence, " Yo tengo cuatro (o cinco) anos. They learned the universal sign  for Te amo, I love you.  We did not finish the story from which the sign originates, Un beso en la mano.  A Kiss on the Hand.

K-5  K-5 also reviewed responses in Spanish to basic questions about themselves and colored the birthday cake worksheet to practice saying their age in Spanish.  They worked on their song, De Colores which is a traditional Spanish song sung in most Spanish-speaking countries. We sang Asi me lavo las manos to review parts of the body.

1st grade practiced saying the date in Spanish and learned the terms for yesterday and tomorrow. We discussed El Dia de San Patricio, St. Patrick's Days, and learned some terms associated with this holiday.

2nd grade  Students also are working with the calendar, saying the date, and the months of the year.  We also added saying our birthday is Spanish.  Students worked on a color sheet based on the month of March coming in  like a lion and going out like a lamb.  Of course we did this in Spanish. Entra como un  leon y sale como un borreguito. The students thought that was a neat thing to learn.

3rd grade Students  received their corrected homework sentences and we went over common errors in grammar and spelling.  They also discussed the calendar, telling their birthday in Spanish and had a general review of about thirty Spanish expressions which  are essential to communicating well in the language. I am going to send the sheet home for students to study in preparation for a quiz on those terms.  Most students already have acquired knowledge of the meaning of the terms. The quiz should be easy for them.  I will work individually with students who need help with the quiz.

4th grade received their autobiographies and were asked to make the corrections indicated on their paper. I only required one paragraph for successful completion of the assignment, but many students did two full paragraphs.  I am so pleased when students go above and beyond the assignment. Please ask your child to share their work with you.  I know some parents provided photos which were required on the cover sheet.  Thank you for your assistance.  It really makes a difference in a child's attitude toward learning when parents are actively involved, even in a small way, with assignments.

Miss Bower's students received a verb conjugation sheet to study.*  I encouraged students to try to complete the other ar verbs in the table if they can. It is NOT homework.  Some students wanted to complete the table.  A few students were not sure how to complete the other verbs on the sheet based on the model we all completed in class.  We will be reviewing it next week. I did not assign any other homework since the autobiography was a major homework assignment.  Another project will follow soon based upon "producing"  a television show segment in Spanish about the weather, cooking, an interview with a "famous" person in our class, sports, fashion, or a garden show. WE won't be actually filming unless we have enough time to do so.  Vuela el tiempo.  Times flies!  Way too fast!  

Miss Lowery's class did NOT receive the verb sheet due to time restrictions.  They will recieve it next week.

Happy Spring!  It is almost here.  Ya llega pronto la primavera.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

Buenas Tardes Padres, 
                         K-4 worked very hard today.  The children usually enter our Spanish classroom singing some of our songs in Spanish.  We added a new song called, "Asi, me lavo las manos."  Different parts of the body are substituted for "las manos."  The melody is "Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush" if you hear your child singing the song.  We also looked at a calendar since we are in a new month. The children are learning the months of the year and how to express the date in Spanish. They also can say how old they are in Spanish. We did not have time to do a short worksheet coloring activity about birthdays.  I will save it for next week.  I deliver this type of activity entirely in Spanish.   Our story for today was one about snow from the Doc McStuffins series, but in Spanish.

K-5 also reviewed the months of the year and days of the week.  They worked on their song, "De Colores."  Students can answer may questions in Spanish now!  I am so pleased with their progress.  

1st grade did a calendar sheet and reviewed expressing the day, date, and year in Spanish.  They also heard the story from the Doc McStuffins series. 

2nd grade completed a worksheet about sports and were asked to create sentences (orally) about sports they liked and didn't like.  Students do not seem to like "golf."  We use the same term in English and Spanish for golf. Most student stated that they did not like golf--"No me gusta el golf."  We need to talk about that!  I am thinking they might not be aware of what it is....

Grade 3 presented their cultural awareness projects.  We later shared them with Miss Stone. They did an excellent job on this project.  The boxes are displayed on the mantle in the foyer.  Please take a look at them if you have a chance.  Thank you for your assistance with your child's project. 

Grade 4 presented their autobiographical paragraphs.  They did a super job.  Although I required only one part of the worksheet, several children did the entire worksheet.  I particularly enjoyed hearing the students favorite quotes.  

Have a wonderful vacation next week.   There was no homework assigned, but I did distribute a magazine in Spanish to fourth graders to read over their vacation.  


                                                  Srta. Linda