Dear K-3 Parents,
Children learned The Itsey Bitsey Spider in Spanish. I prepared a sheet for them to take home so you can sing the song with them. The melody is the same as the song in English.
They loved singing. Miss Jeanette helped them to remember the gestures they learned to make to the verses in English. The gestures are the same in Spanish--little fingers together, then ring finter, middle, index and finally thumb when Spider gets all the way up the spout. (We don't say spout in Spanish. She just climbed and climbed and climbed! Subio, subio, subio.
We sang the other songs we know: Buenos Dias, Elefante, and Uno dos, tres deditos, substituting the names of farm animals in Spanish, oveja-sheep, vaca- cow, cochinito- pig, patito-duckling, and gallina-hen. We reviewed numbers and simple questions: Como te llamas- What is your name? Me llamo- My name is. We learned the days of the week. Different positions are associated with each day: Hands together praying for Sunday - lying down ready to get up for school for Monday, sitting position for Tuesday, On knees for Wednesday, Standing for Thursday, Swaying back and forth hands on hips for Friday, Dancing for Saturday. Hoy es lunes, lunes, lunes. Es lunes hoy, etc. for each day. Children love this song.
I made up the melody for the song, so please ask your children to sing it for you at home.
We finished the class with a review of parts of the body. Children know: ojos, nariz, cabexa, orejas and boca: Eyes, nose, head, ears and mouth. Some also know: dientes and pelo: teeth and hair. the colors we reinforced by asking children what color they were using to color their spider. They need to name the spider for next week. We will be learning: Mi arana se llama: Mi (a rah' nya) se (ya ma.
Thank you for your interest in our Spanish program.
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