Dear Parents,
Grades 3, 4, and 5 have a homework assignment I would like to describe before my weekly posts for each grade's Monday activities in Spanish.
Grade 3 has a crossword puzzle to complete based on telling time and writing numerals in Spanish. I explained the activity to Miss Cockrell's class, but did not work with Miss Bower's students yet. I will distribute the sheets to Miss Bower's students on Wednesday after Chapel. I explained to the students that I would like them to attempt to complete the crossword without looking at the companion sheet with possible answers and clocks. Of course, they may use the sheet to help them answer correctly. The homework is due on February 24. Update: All third graders have the crosswork puzzle assignment.
Grades 4, 5, and 6 have a skit in Spanish to learn. Working with a partner, the students will present the skit which emphasizes previously introduced themes and vocabulary. Each student received a copy of the skit. They chose a partner and worked in class. There are onlyeight lines of dialogue to learn. The students have until February 24, two weeks, to learn their part. It is not necessary to work with their particular partner outside of school. I suggested that the students practice during recess for a few minutes or after lunch. I also suggested practicing on the phone if they are allowed to do so during the week. If students cannot present without reading their part, that is fine. I will not lower their oral language grade. I really prefer that they try to memorize their lines. The presentation will be much more fluid in this manner. Please send me an email if you do not understand this project. Thank you,
Srta. Linda
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