Dear Parents and Grandparents,
K-4 continued learning new vocabulary. They love singing songs in Spanish. We continued singing about animals. Everyone knows patito, oveja, vaca, caballo, and gallina from last week. I started asking: " Quien tiene el or la____________ with an animal. The children look at the animal picture (on popsicle sticks) and say the animal. I will be teaching them to reply in Spanish, " Yo tengo el/la___________"with the appropriate animal. We will use this form to learn future vocabulary. Students know colors quite well when I ask them to name the color they are using to color. We colored a spider on Monday. I walked around asking children which color they were using(in Spanish). They need to name their spider for next week. Some children have already done so. The coloring activity was used to reinforce the song we learned, The Itsey Bitsey Spider in Spanish. Children took the page home for you to sing with them. We also learned how to say, "Me llamo_________. " My name is_________.
1st grade added pages to their color books. They also learned the names of the above animals. We worked on basic questions and answers. They have really learned how to respond to the questions with correct responses in Spanish.
2nd grade We are making flashcards in Spanish. The cards have important basic commands, family members, places in the community, and greetings. I am not sure if Miss Lisa has the cards in the classroom for children to study there. Eventually, I would like the students to take them home to study. Some of the words are: por favor- please, hola- hello, como estas? how are you. Madre- mother, padre- father hermano- brother hermana- sister abuelo- grandpa, abuela- grandma. escuela- school , iglesia- church, adios- good-bye.
3rd thru 6th took their test on questions about their classes and teachers in Spanish. I graded the papers. Most of the students did very well. I was surprised that some students did not appear to have studied. All answers and questions were discussed in class two weeks ago and the questions and answers were on the blog. Students have a new list of five simple questions for next Monday. This is homework. Questions are: Que clase le gusta tu amigo? What class does your friend like? Cuantos anos tienes? How old are you? Como se llama tu maestra de lectura? What is your reading teacher's name? Como se llama la directora de la escuela? What is the principal's name?
Answers: Mi amigo (or amiga) le gusta la clase de ____________. (Class they like from last weeks' vocabulary. Tengo _________anos. ocho, nueve, etc. Mi maestra de lectura se llama__________)name of reading teacher. La directora se llama La Senora Stone. We have worked on these questions for many weeks. I am trying to add lots of new vocabulary in the coming weeks. I do oral evaluations with students every week, but really want to familiarize students with simple written questions and answers, especially grades four, five and six.
I announced the students who will be receiving special recognition for their interest and hard work in Spanish. They will receive their certificates on Monday. I am planning a special recognition lunch for those students similar to the Headmistress' Breakfast. Details to follow.
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