Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21

Grade K-4 We had a wonderful, productive class today!  Since most of the children were here last year, I am able to build on their oral language skills.  Children identified classroom objects and played a game, Quien tiene?  Who Has It?  If the child was holding the photo of the object I named, she had to say, " Yo tengo el_________, naming the object.  The children responded beautifully!  I am so proud of their ability to grasp a second language so quickly!  
We also heard the storys, "The Sky Is Falling" in Spanish. 

K-5  Children also played the game, Quien tiene?  Who Has It?  I was able to add more objects with our K-5 students.  The children had so much fun that we ran out of time and could not hear our story.  Reading to the children in Spanish is a very important part of our program.  I will just have to stop that game early next time! 

Grade 1 presented a short dialogue in Spanish.  I am so proud of Miss Connie's class!  Some of the students memorized their lines, which means they have internalized the grammatical structures and vocabulary for use at another time.  They were asked to bring the dialogue home to share with their parents.  I also asked students to teach their parents their classroom partner's lines.  Please let me know how they did with this task.  I would really love to receive feedback from parents. 

Grade 2.  Students also reviewed classroom objects by playing the game Quien tiene?  Who Has It?  If the student was holding the photo of the object, he had to say, "Yo tengo el/la_______ naming the object in Spanish.  I added cards so that each student could name an object.  We rotated the cards three times.  Students  were asked to copy down in their Spanish notebooks at least three objects to use in written sentences.  This is homework for next week.The model is: Yo tengo el papel or Yo tengo la silla azul.  All of the sentences will be different since students had different cards.  I would like any student to write more sentences if they wish.  The may use food items previously learned as well as classroom objects.  Here are some words from today's lesson:  la grapadora, the stapler,  el sacapuntas, the pencil sharpener, la computadora, the computer, la calculadora, the calculator, la pegadura, the glue,  la pluma, the pen, la silla azul, the blue chair. (Students may substitute ANY color after the noun). 

Grade 3  Students received their test from last week. I retaught the vocabulary to those students who needed a review.  They will retest next week.  The rest of the class will be tested on the days of the week.  All students have one list of words to study.  I also asked students to write sentences with the new words.   Hoy es lunes, Hoy es martes, etc.  Some students wanted to study more than the assigned words, which is fine!  We learned hoy-today, ayer, yesterday, and manana, tomorrow. Grade 3 is a wonderful class with highly  motivated students. I love working with them. 

Grade 4 Students received their posters or small drawings of the parts of the body project they turned in last week.  Then they worked in dyads practicing the vocabulary by asking one another, "Que te duele?  What hurts you?  Students responded by naming a part of the body. Children love working together in this manner.  Groups shared out at  various intervals during the class.  Students also received for the first time a copy of the alphabet in Spanish to practice at home.  They loved reciting the alphabet in class after me. I asked them to take the alphabet home to study.  There will NOT be a test on the alphabet.  I want the students to familiarize themselves with the letters and sounds. 

            Thank you for your interest in our foreign language program.  I welcome your feedback and questions via email, text, or phone.  

                                                              Miss Linda 

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