Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Monday,  August 31.

K-4 continued learning weather terms in Spanish.  They also sang all of their songs which helps reinforce grammatical structures and vocabulary in a natural, fun way.  Children also can respond to basic questions about themselves in Spanish.  I really feel the work we did last semester in K-3 has really benefitted our students.  They are so eager to learn new things in Spanish! They heard a story, as they always do, about colorful toys.

K-5 K-5 also reviewed weather terms and parts of the body.  The children love the new song about Cabeza y hombros-- head and shoulders-- and other parts substituted.  Children  heard a story about colors. Because of our limited time in class, I could not read all of the descriptions of the toys pictured and the children asked me to tell them about the omitted toys!  I loved it.  It is so rewarding to watch young children acquire a new language.

1st - Children learned a dialogue and reviewed parts of the body.  I distributed a fun picture of a fox with the parts labelled for them to color and take home.  This group also is making such rapid progress by building on last year's skills

2nd - Children reviewed the body and received  a fox to color and take home to review body parts at home. I encourage children to ask for items; papers or colors, for example, in Spanish during group work.  One would think we are in a Spanish-speaking country if they visited the classroom!

3rd - Children have five new sentences to study for next week.  Gracias, maestra,  Adios, Senor, Hasta luego, Buenos dias, maestro, and Buenas noches.  The children's copy have the accents indicated.  Adios carries an accent on the o, Senor is written with the letter n with a curved mark, tilde, on top.  They did well on their first test last week.

4th - We corrected our color sentences. I assigned a body parts poster for children to bring in two weeks, since there is no class on Monday.  They have the fox visual with the parts indicated.  They may also use Google Translator to translate the body from English to Spanish.  We discussed using complete sentences to talk about the boy--Esta es la cabeza and Este es el pie.  This is my head, this is my foot.  Spanish does not require the personal pronoun when speaking of body parts.

   Have a great holiday.

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