Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 16. 2015

The first week of Spanish was super awesome.  I reviewed some previously introduced skills since we have not been speaking Spanish in class for two months. Grades K-4 and K-5 reviewed numbers and greetings.  I read a story in Spanish about a farmer who did not want to get up in the morning one day to do chores. I love the way our youngsters interact with literature. They enjoyed making the sounds of the various farm animals that called out to the farmer as he resisted getting out of bed.  It was fun!  They were also, of course, reviewing the names of farm animals while listening and participating. 

Grade 1 received a calendar to reinforce  the names of the days of the weeks, numbers, and the months of the year in Spanish. Next week I will ask them to look for visuals for each month as we prepare a classroom bulletin board about birthdays. The children understand so many words in Spanish!  

Grade 2 also received a calendar to review months, days, and numbers.  They also began coloring  a drawing of fish  to review color words.   Most children could read all of the colors in Spanish! 

Grade 3 received a vocabulary sheet they will need to bring to class.  I asked them to study the first eleven words.  There will NOT be a test on the words next week.  We will be working on constructing meaningful sentences with the words next week. All students in Grade 3 need a notebook for class.  It can be a spiral book or a section in their 3-ring binder.  It does not matter as long as it is used exclusively for Spanish class. 

Grade 4 received a dialogue from last school year to practice at home.  We will review it in class and write an  original dialogue for students to learn for next session. New students are not responsible for the dialogue.  I will work with them next week on some basic skills other students have previously learning. The approach to teaching a second language  which I employ helps new students gain access to the curriculum even if they were not at St. John's last year.  Please contact me if you have any questions about Spanish.  
My phone number is 601-428-1704.  I prefer that you call in the evening after 6 pm.   

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