Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Parents,
         K-4, K-5 and 1st grade are making excellent progress in listening and speaking skills in Spanish.  I am pleased with their responses to basic questions and their ability to recite the days of the week, months of the year, numbers (to 50 for most students), and the seasons of the year. I am amazed that we have been able to accomplish so much in thirty minutes of instrutional  time once a week! 
Grade 2 worked very hard to prepare their family trees.  Due to the limited time we have left this school year, I will mount all of the photographs and drawings for the students and bring the mural to school on Monday.  I am not sure where it will be displayed, but am thinking about the cafeteria.  Once I know where the project will be displayed, I will post the location so parents can stop by to see their child's family tree.

Grade 3 worked on presenting a weather report.  the activity was used to reinforce weather terms in Spanish.  Their projects are due next Monday.  Miss Melissa has extra copies of the instructions.  Please ask her for a copy if students' copies were lost or misplaced.  I also showed students examples of what the book may look like using students' books which were  presented to me early.

Grades 4,5, and 6 also have a project due on Monday.  Miss Melissa has extra copies of the instructions if students need one. They are preparing an imaginary trip to a Spanish-speaking country.  Student have had three weeks to prepare the project and we have worked on it in class. Project may be presented using a poster, Power Point presentation, or oral presentation from prepared cards.  Please see Miss Melissa if you have not seen the instructions.  I distributed the sheets several times in class and posted detailed information on previous posts. 
This is an important project, our last of the school year.  I have stressed to the students that the project will be used in part to determine their final grade in Spanish. 

Thank you for your support and interest in our foreign language program. It has been my pleasure to teach your children this academic school year.
                                                                    Srta. Linda

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