Sixth Grade Project Information
Sixth graders might want to get started on their Quien soy yo? project. Here are the directions for the project. (Who Am I)?
You will need an empty shoe box for this project. Each side of the box represents information about who you are.
Top of the box will show the importance of your family in your life. You can use real photos, pictures cut from magazines or original art work to represent you and your family, activities you do as a family, family celebrations and values, etc. Please make sure the cover of the box does not show through if you are not doing a collage. You can cover the top with construction paper or paint it. Perhaps your family's coat-of arms would make an interesting symbol for you to use. You can look up your surname- last name on the computer to see what your coat-of-arms looks like.
Bottom of the box on the inside: Your Interests . Your interests which may include sports, hobbies, favorite books, authors, movies, music, volunteer work, etc. Again, look for pictures from magazines or provide original art work. You may use photos or scanned copies of photos as well.
Sides of box: Side 1 represents Religion and your beliefs. A symbol of your religion or church or temple or pictures that represent your beliefs, photos of religious celebrations you and your family observe, etc. will be placed on one side of the box (inside).
Side 2 : Your goals for the future. Find a symbol that represents your goals for the future. You might want to think of this as your academic goals after high school. Do you want to be a doctor? Do you want to have your own business? Are you interested in a teaching career? Think of the song we sing at Chapel about potential.
Side 3: Values. What values are important to you? Some values are: Education, Honesty, Honor, Truth, Love and Kindness, Beauty, Sharing with Others, Working Hard, Respect for Yourself and Others, etc. Please talk with your parents about values you share as a family.
Side 4: Who is your hero or heroine? Who is or who are the people you admire and wish to emulate? (Emulate means to follow in someone's footsteps, to do things that those people do because you feel you would like your own life to reflect what they do, think, or feel). You may place a picture of that person on this side of your box. You may also think of a symbol of your hero or heroine. Discuss this with your parents. Ask them who their hero is and why.
You will present your box in Spanish. I will help you with this. You can say as much or as little as you wish. Most of you are thinking in complete sentences, so I am sure you will be able to say at least one sentence about each side of your box.
If enough students bring their shoe box to school on Monday, we can work on them in class. I have magazines, glue, colored pencils, etc. I will bring a few boxes, but I do not have that many empty boxes at home.
Note: Other than the TOP of the box representing Family, you may use ANY SIDE of the box to represent the catagories mentioned above. For example, You may take one of the longer sides of the box that has more space to represent religion. You may use the bottom of the box for your goals.
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