Thursday, October 17, 2013

Buenos dias.  Good Morning.  This information is for Sixth Graders Only.

Dear Students, Parents, and Grandparents,
                           Please do not forget to bring your shoebox project to school on Monday, October 21st.  Students will have only about two minutes each to make their presentation.  Here is what that will look like:
    Present the top of the box and tell (in Spanish) what it represents.  For example,  "Esta es mi familia.  Mi mama, mi papa, mis dos hermanos,  yo, y mi perrito. ( o gatito). Mi papa es fotografo. Mi mama es maestra.  ( You may also mention their ages and give their names).
Mi mama se llama Susana.  Mi papa se llama John.  (se YA ma)  ll= y sound.

 Side I.  El valor mas importante para mi es La Verdad (Truth).  the most important value for me is Truth.  ( Educacion- education,  Honestidad - Honesty.  Honor -honor,   La Belleza  Beauty, La Amistad - Friendship.  Respeto - Respect.  Amor- Love La Bondad - Kindness.

You do not have to say why at this point.

Mi heroe es _______________ My hero is____________.  (ER oh ay).

Mis intereses son:  My interests are:  deportes - sports,  estudiar - study- ser voluntario - volunteer- (I will help you translate)  You may only have time to mention one or two interests.

Religion:  ( I will help you explain your ideas here).

Metas - Goals  Yo quiero ser ______________(maestra, medico, terapista fisica, dueno de un negocio, como un salon de belleza, cocinero, carpintero, dentista, artista, musico, Presidente de los Estados Unidos!    I want to be a teacher, doctor, physical therapist, owner of a business such as a beauty salon, carpenter, artist, musician, President of the United States!  Please just mention one career goal at this time.

Good Luck!  I can't wait to hear your presentations on Monday.   Buena suerte.  Espero tus presentaciones el lunes.

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