Wednesday, January 27th.
Grades 5 and 6 presented their homework assignment. They all did an excellent job with the assignment. I am so pleased that students are reading in Spanish.
The home work due February 3rd is as follows:
Students need to write a description of what they see in a photograph from a magazine or other source. They may use a photo from a camera, for example. Sixth grade was given a photo from a magazine to use. Students were provided with an example in class of a photo of a young woman. The example was:
Ella tiene los ojos cafes y el pelo negro. Lleva una camisa rosada. Es muy joven.
She has brown eyes and black hair. She is wearing a pink shirt. She is very young. (This is only an example). I expect students to write more than one sentence.
I encouraged students to write as much as they can in Spanish and even create a "story." I gave examples in class of telling which college the woman attended, how many sisters she has, what she is studying, etc. Ella va a la Universidad de Mississippi. Estudia el espanol. Of course unless the students use an actual photograph of family members or themselves, the information they write will be made-up.
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