Thursday, May 14, 2015

Monday's Classes, May 11

K-4 learned about the Aztec Culture.  They learned that the Aztecs lived in Mexico and built temples to their gods.   They received a page to color.  We reviewed all questions and responses in Spanish.  I love the way children help one another if they respond with their age to a question about how they feel!  It is so rewarding to teach all children a second language, especially very young language learners.

K-5 We are rehearsing a Spanish song for graduation.  There will be musical instruments from Latin America on stage!  I can't wait.  You will enjoy the performance.

1st grade  Students reviewed favorite foods and received the books they made in September to take home.

2nd Grade - Students received their books to take home.  Several students were chosen to be the teachers today.  They asked the other students questions in Spanish!  We have come a long way in a short time.

3rd Grade  We reviewed questions in Spanish.  Students  were chosen as teachers to ask the questions in Spanish today.  I am so proud of our third graders. Thank you for your support.

4th Grade- Students presented their projects to the class. Although an evaluation was not required, most of the students did prepare one.  Several students did not have their project.  I have spoken to their parents about completing it and presenting on Monday, May 18th.  We have a regular Spanish class on Monday.  It will be our last class of the year. Fourth graders did an excellent job on their projects. I am very proud of the students' work presented today in class.

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