Saturday, February 21, 2015

K-3 classes were so excited about Spanish today.  They are doing well with the days of the weeks and all colors.  The children always hear a story in Spanish.  This time it was about a penguin that did things differently from the other penguins.  We always review previously introduced songs and concepts.

$th and 6th have a homework assignment which is due next Friday, Feb. 17.  Students received a detailed sheet of instructions and we discussed what is expected of them in class.  Please contact me if you need clarification about the assignment.  It is an autobiographical paragraph which uses previously introduced vocabulary and concepts.  Please ask your child to share the assignment with you I would like you to assist with the last part of the assignment which asks the student to share their favorite quote.  The quote may be in English and could be verses from the Bible, a favorite line from a movie, story , or poem, or something you have shared with them through the years. The quote should reflect what is important to them, their values, or attitude.

    Thank you for your interest in our foreign language program.

* Students will be allowed to retake the verb test on Friday.  Some students said they did NOT study for the test. I am hoping they do prepare for the retest.

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