Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dear Parents of 4th Graders:
                           I was not in class on Monday and forgot to ask my substitute, Mrs. Driskell, to tell fourth grade students to review their dialogues for our next class. Since there is no school on Monday, October 13, our next class will be Monday. October20. Some students may want to write their own dialogues, which was an assignment I gave to my 5th and 6th graders!  I definitely feel that any student who wants to write an original dialogue may do so.  I think that is fantastic!  It is not, however, a formal assignment.  Each class has different assignments based on the instruction they receive in my class.  I often group activities in the following manner:  K-4 and K-5  have similar activities.  lst Grade:  Students usually have lessons unique to their grade level, but ocassionally they will share lessons with 2nd gradel.  3rd:  My third graders also have lessons which are rarely the same as other grade levels.  4th, 5th, and 6th:  these three grade levels often have the same lessons in class. 
Note:  6th Grade often has additional work in class and additional homework.  Please check the blog and your child's Spanish notebook.  All students in Grades 3,4,5, and 6 are required to maintain a Spanish notebook which they take home.

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