Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dear Parents,
Grades K-4 through 2nd do not have any homework.  First and second graders will receive information about their first project next Monday.  We reviewed vocabulary and continued our unit on foods.  I will be sending home a list of the names of foods in Spanish for first and second graders to use in their project next week.

Grades 3 and 4 received a worksheet with a list of adjectives to use to compose sentences telling about foods.  They may complete the list if they can at home.  We completed half of the sentences in class.  If the students lost their list, please have them write ten sentences using the following words:  delicioso, bueno para la salud, malo para la salud.  Delicious, unhealthy, or bad for one's health, good for one's health or healthy. As you can see, I am working on helping students make healthy eating choices. If all of this is too hard, please do not worry. I will work on it with students in class, but I know they can handle it if they were enrolled last year.  Anyone who was not enrolled does not have to complete this assignment. I am pleased that several new students successfully completed last week's homework with no problem based on instruction in the classroom last Monday and, apparently, a strong desire to learn Spanish!  Way to go, New Students!
 Grades 5 and 6 have three verbs to use in sentences for homework.  We completed examples in class. I never send students home without instructing them about the required homework assignment.  Students who were not enrolled last year DO NOT have to complete the homework. Grades 5 and 6 will be learning a dialogue for their first project.  More information will be given in class next week.  We did many dialogues last year, so students are familiar with learning their part for an oral presentation or "skit."  Intensive review was not necessary with my fifth and sixth graders.  They really remembered vocabulary and concepts acquired last year.  We only need to work on number and gender agreement, which takes some time since English does not require agreement between adjectives and nouns. 
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email or leave a comment on this blog.
Srta. Linda

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