Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Parents and Grandparents,
                           Grades K-4, K-5, and lst  learned a new song about the days of the week The days are sung to the tune of "Clementine." " Domingo, lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves,viernes, sabado."  Repeat.  We also learned the names of new food vocabulary.  Students can now repond to, 'Que comes? " with "Me como papas, arroz, cereal, pina, naranjas, espagueti, lechuga, and ensalada.  I am so happy with their progress.  What do you eat?  I eeat, potatoes, rice, pineapple, oranges, spaghetti, lettuce and salad.

Grade 2  Students presented their dialogue.  They did a superior job with their first dialogue!  Please ask them to share it with you at home.  Most students can read both parts of the dialogue.

Grade 3 presented their first dialogue.  They did a fantastic job!  I asked them to try to write their own dialogue.  I know they can do it.  It will be due after vacation.  They can do the work this week so they won't have any homework during spring break.

Grade 4 presented their new dialogue.  They were fantastic!  They also have an original dialogue to write this week due March 18.

Grades 5 and 6 did an outstanding job with their dialogues.  They were very very creative. I think Air Jam was still on their minds because  their  skits in Spanish were clever!  Please ask them to share their work with you.   They need to produce an original dialogue for March 18.

Please enjoy your spring break.  Thank you for your interest in our Spanish Resource Program. *  The original dialogues will be based on the two dialogues students in grades 4, 5 and 6 already did.  I encouraged students to use learned vocabulary for their dialogues.  They do NOT have to learn any of the lines, just write them.


                                        Srta. Linda   

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