Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dear Parents,
          Second grade will be doing a Family Tree Project.  Please begin to look for photographs your child can use in the project.  We are learning vocabulary relating to family members and the project will reinforce the new words.  I will explain more in class on Monday.  This in only for second grade.  I will assist student in class on Monday. 
         Third grade will be completing a final project as well.  They will choose a unit we studied in class to use as the theme for a picture book.  I will discuss this with students on Monday.
         Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade will be completing a project based on a cultural theme.  they will plan an imaginary  trip to a Spanish-speaking country.  One-half of the project may be in English.  The other half will involve a conversation in Spanish with a resident of the country the student visits.  This will be explained in class on Monday. 
            Students will have two weeks to complete their projects.  Project will not need to be done until the second week of May.  Students will not be required to work on projects during testing.
 K-3, K-4, K-5 and 1st will complete a mini-project in April based on community workers. Most of the project will be completed in class.  There will be some preparation needed to be done at home.  I will be sending a detailed explanation home with your child soon.
                         Thank you for your support and cooperation in our Spanish Language Program.
                                                                         Srta. Linda

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    Grades 3 are having a quiz next week on the numbers in Spanish from 1-50.  Students already know how to write the numbers from 1-20.  They need only learn 30, treinta, 40, cuarenta, and 50 cincuenta.  As they are in English, Spanish numbers combine these words with one, twok and three--uno, dos, tres, etc. to form the rest of the numbers. 

 Grade 4 will have a quiz on telling time.  They might need to review the numbers above in order to write the time correctly.

Grade 6 has a sheet of vocabulary words. I asked students  to create sentences employing the words.  They have the knowledge of correct Spanish syntax, so I feel the assignment will not be difficult for them to complete.  If it is, please contact me and I will assist them with the assignment by telephone or email. 

Grade 2 reviewed the words need to talk about family members.  We will be composing simple sentences about our families and begin a family tree project.  Of course, information sheets will be given to the students to complete this project.

There is no homework for Grades K-5 and lst.

Thank you for your interest and support in our Spanish Resource Program!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear Parents,
          K-4 can respond to ten questions in Spanish.  They students also understand simple stories I read to them in Spanish.  I do not have to translate very much unless the picture clues are ambiguous, or the story presents vocabulary not previously introduced to the children. We sang all of our songs in Spanish and learned a new song for the days of the week and the months of the year. I am going to teach the children to count to 50 since at least half of the class has mastered counting to 20 in Spanish.
    K-5 is learning the traditional Spanish song, "De Colores."  We also reviewed questions and food vocabulary.  Students learned a new verb, gustar, which means to like.

  1st grade added new words to their food word bank.  They also reviewed all questions, months of the year, days of the week and numbers.

 2nd grade learned a short dialogue in class about going to a birthday party.  Several students wanted to write their own dialogue in Spanish.  I encouraged them to do so.  Having more instructional time with second graders has really helped students this year.  I am grateful that Miss Stone was able to increase the time I have with Miss Lisa's students this year.

3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders learned a new dialogue about two students meeting in the cafeteria.  Students who wrote their own dialogue for homework worked with me on polishing their work.  They corrected the scripts and will present them next week for the entire class.  That is their homework for this week--to prepare for the oral presentation with their partner. Those students are not responsible for the cafeteria dialogue.  Only students who copied the cafeteria dialogue will present that skit next Monday.  They need to practice with their partners.  All sixth graders have an original dialogue to present since 100% of the class wrote an original skit.  I am very proud of them! 

Please contact me if your child needs assistance with their dialogue.  Each child will present two dialogues--their own and their partner's.  Some children were confused about this.  One of the students explained the assignment in the following manner to her partner: "I am me and you are the other person the first time we present. Then, you are you and I am the other person the second time we present." I love it! We have a teacher -in-the-making here.
  Thank you for your support and cooperation.  I sincerely appreciate it. Your children are making excellent progress in Spanish, which makes me extremely happy.
                                                                       Srta. Linda

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Parents and Grandparents,
                           Grades K-4, K-5, and lst  learned a new song about the days of the week The days are sung to the tune of "Clementine." " Domingo, lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves,viernes, sabado."  Repeat.  We also learned the names of new food vocabulary.  Students can now repond to, 'Que comes? " with "Me como papas, arroz, cereal, pina, naranjas, espagueti, lechuga, and ensalada.  I am so happy with their progress.  What do you eat?  I eeat, potatoes, rice, pineapple, oranges, spaghetti, lettuce and salad.

Grade 2  Students presented their dialogue.  They did a superior job with their first dialogue!  Please ask them to share it with you at home.  Most students can read both parts of the dialogue.

Grade 3 presented their first dialogue.  They did a fantastic job!  I asked them to try to write their own dialogue.  I know they can do it.  It will be due after vacation.  They can do the work this week so they won't have any homework during spring break.

Grade 4 presented their new dialogue.  They were fantastic!  They also have an original dialogue to write this week due March 18.

Grades 5 and 6 did an outstanding job with their dialogues.  They were very very creative. I think Air Jam was still on their minds because  their  skits in Spanish were clever!  Please ask them to share their work with you.   They need to produce an original dialogue for March 18.

Please enjoy your spring break.  Thank you for your interest in our Spanish Resource Program. *  The original dialogues will be based on the two dialogues students in grades 4, 5 and 6 already did.  I encouraged students to use learned vocabulary for their dialogues.  They do NOT have to learn any of the lines, just write them.


                                        Srta. Linda